名古屋造形大学 教員情報   

  ペルティエ ジャンマルク
  ペルティエ ジャンマルク   造形学部 造形学科情報表現領域   准教授
■ 標題
  A Graphical Interface for Real-Time Signal Routing
■ 概要
  This paper describes DspMap, a graphical user interface (GUI) designed to assist the dynamic routing of signal generators and modifiers currently being developed at the International Academy of Media Arts & Sciences. Instead of relying on traditional box-and-line approaches, DspMap proposes a design paradigm where connections are determined by the relative positions of the various elements in a single virtual space.
   単著   Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on New interfaces For Musical Expression   National University of Singapore, Singapore   pp.89-92   2005/05

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