名古屋造形大学 教員情報   

  カジマ ヤスヒロ
  鍜島 康裕   造形研究科 造形専攻   教授
■ 標題
  Notes on the Fast Multipole Method
■ 概要
  Coulomb interactions of point charges can be calculated in (N) computation using the fast multipole method and direct calculations between charges nearby. It reduces computational cost dramatically, however, because of its method that combines direct and indirect calculations, there exists discontinuity of potential energy with respect to positions of charges. In this paper, we remove Legendre functions usually used in the fast multipole method and instead use charges fixed in positions. As an application of this method, we remove the discontinuity. It also leads us to a method of periodic boundary condition that is continuous even if a particle goes out from a wall of a simulation box and enters in opposite side of the box. Lastly, we show a version of the fast multipole method that do not use shift process.
   単著   arXiv:2212.13080   Cornell University   arXiv:2212.13080   2022/12

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