名古屋造形大学 教員情報   

  ペルティエ ジャンマルク
  ペルティエ ジャンマルク   造形学部 造形学科情報表現領域   准教授
■ 標題
  Sonified Motion Flow Fields as a Means of Musical Expression
■ 概要
  This paper describes a generalized motion-based framework for the generation of large musical control fields from imaging data. The framework is general in the sense that it does not depend on a particular source of sensing data. Real-time images of stage performers, pre-recorded and live video, as well as more exotic data from imaging systems such as thermography, pressure sensor arrays, etc. can be used as a source of control.
   単著   Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on New interfaces For Musical Expression   pp.158-163   2008/06

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