名古屋造形大学 教員情報   

  ペルティエ ジャンマルク
  ペルティエ ジャンマルク   造形学部 造形学科情報表現領域   准教授
■ 標題
  A Shape-Based Approach to Computer Vision Musical Performance Systems
■ 概要
  In this paper, I will describe a computer vision-based musical performance system that uses morphological assessments to provide control data. Using shape analysis allows the system to provide qualitative descriptors of the scene being captured while ensuring its use in a wide variety of different settings. This system was implemented under Max/MSP/Jitter, augmented with a number of external objects.
   単著   Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on New interfaces For Musical Expression   National University of Singapore, Singapore   pp.197-198   2004/06

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